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"I am a woman fearfully and wonderfully made. I was created in the image of God to bear fruit. The fruit that I bear among many is love, joy, and peace.

I was created for a purpose, I strive daily to fulfill that purpose.

I take care of my spirit and commit to spending time with God, my Creator, daily.

I have temperance and self control and I only eat things needful for my body. I daily grow in good health and strength. I take care of my body and commit to giving it rest, nourishment, and pampering that it needs.

I take care of my soul by thinking on things that are true, honest, just, pure, lovely, and of good report.

I walk by faith and not by sight.

I strive to do good to all. I am forever mindful of those that are less fortunate that I. I will support my sister when she is right and help her when she is wrong. I will not kill her with my mouth but commit to praying for her best life. I will respect myself and those around me.

I will take care to remember the daughters that come after me. I will lead by example. I will teach by example  I will sow positive seeds into the lives of my daughters and your daughters   I will treat others as I desire to be treated. I will be a part of your village.

God will be pleased with my life and the inheritance that I leave for my children's children shall be great.

In Jesus' Name. "


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